Important FAQ

Yes, we are officially registered company with office and phone number. You can ask for company's Certificate of Incorporation by contacting our Support Department.

To start earning with us you should open an account and make deposit, you will receive first earnings after 7 days on our weekly plan.

Your account is available to you 24/7 over the internet. Just login to your account with user id and password and go to you account.

Our corporate website had received a SSL certificate from GlobalSign. This helps to secure all the data, which is transmitted through our server, by encrypting it with SSL protocol it also helps to hide the traces and transfer of data from third parties. SSL protocol works like a safe passage of communication between you and the server, while you browse our website. The issued SSL certificate by globalSign guarantees that all your information will remain confidential while you visit and browse our website.

To investment you must first become a member of Linco Lead Finance. After completion of your registration you need to make your initial deposit. It can be done through Members Area, where all deposits are made. To log in to the Members Area you need to use your username and password, which you've received during registration.

Using login information that you had received upon registration you need to sign in to your personal account and click on Make Deposit link. Next, you need to enter the sum that you wish to fund your account with, choose the desired currency and click invest button.

Yes we do, they are Bitcoin, bitcoincash, litecoin, payeer, Perfectmoney and other major cryptocurrencies.

We don't accept deposits made by credit card directly for security reasons. You can fund your e-currency account using you credit card (via numerous exchangers) and make investment from your e-currency account. The ability to credit your e-currency account by Credit Card is another one advantage of e-currency payment systems.

Our minimum investment is $20 and maximum amount is $90 000.

Interests are accrued to your active deposits every day, 7 days a week depending on your selected investment plan.

No, we are working with your account only, so profits are gathered on it. If you want to withdraw your profits you need to do it yourself, manually through payment systems.

No, you can only withdraw at the end of investment period as we offer short term investment package.

There is no minimum amount for Crypto Withdrawal, You can withdraw as much as you can.

First of all you need to log in to your account using the information you provided upon registration and follow to Withdraw section.

We are verifying and process each withdrawal request manually. Withdrawals are usually processed within 0-3 hours but can take up to 24 hours after being requested.

It's easier than it looks. In order to open your account you need to follow the "Registration" link, enter registration information in the form and press "Register".

In order to change your account password you need to log in to your Linco Lead Finance account, and click on "Edit account" section and change your password at the corresponding field. However if you need to change your email details of e-currency systems, you will need to contact our support department.

You need to click forgot password link then type in your e-mail, then on your email a letter will come with all the relevant information.

It's easier than it looks. you can reset password using the "Edit" button after you login to the member section.

For checking your account balance you are to log in to your personal Linco Lead Finance account. All account information including account balance is available inside of your account.